Friday, February 17, 2012

My Photography on Clipix!

I remember when I was younger I love nature. My elementary school is just behind our house at that time we had ponds and vegetable garden. I was in fifth and sixth grade that we had given a vegetable plot and we have to take care of the plot and the vegetables that I planted. After school my classmates and me will go to the pond and our vegetable garden to look for weeds, insects and if the vegetable that we planted grow. I remember too well at the back of my mind I thought of wishing taking a photo of that moment. However, at that time having a camera is not a priority. Therefore, I only savor the moment by looking at the lotus plant and water lilies blossoming in the middle of the pond.
When I get here in the US the first thing my hubby gave me is a camera and a video cam. It was then that my interest of photography came back. Two years ago hubby gave my first dslr and until now, I love it so much. I cannot go without a day of not taking photos. Then I learn clipix. A friend told me about this beautiful website. clipix is an unbelievably useful tool that is changing the way we organize our lives online. It solves the problem I have every time I found a websites about photography. Before I have not found clipix, I bookmark the websites but because it is not arrange and organize, I lost some of the website. Right now, I am having fun Clipix-ing with my interest. I could tell I would have no more problem locating the sites that I so love to visit all the time. Therefore, friends take time to learn CLIPIX it is very easy and you are going to love it. You can share your clipboard to friends or family by sending it through email, Facebook or twitter. I know you will be hook with clipix and if you are come back here and tell me! Happy clipix-ing people!
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1 comment:

LindyLouMac said...

Oh dear I think I am tempted to investigate, is this a good thing I wonder. :)

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