Monday, January 11, 2010

Macro Monday:Guess what?

Hubby and I were in this parking lot when I spotted this beautiful "thing". We always see this but people are so in a hurry this days we don't stop and wonder about it. Now can somebody guess what is this?

For more Macro Monday visit it HERE


Colleen said...

It's an oil mark on the pavement, right? They are pretty, but I always watch to make sure my kids don't step in them.

Maria said...

Oilpuddle on the asphalt that is. Thanks for stopping by.

Snowberry Creek said...

I think oil spilled out and then was rained on making the beautiful colors.

Delightfully Wed said...

Looks like an oil spill in a water puddle on asphalt. Beautiful colors. ~Debbie

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

A rainbow! That's what I see! Lovely day to you!!!

Candy said...

Ditto to the smart chicks that beat me to it!
Thanks for stopping by my place today. Hope you come back soon ;-)

Jientje said...

Soap bubbles?

SquirrelQueen said...

It may be just a little oil on the asphalt but it makes a lovely photo. I see a little rainbow in the water. To see beauty in the smallest of things is very special, you have a great eye for such beauty.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
The Road to Here

Anonymous said...

Yep, a bit of oil. Nice shot.

Dimple said...

Yup, oil on water, just like the others said. Neat shot!
Thanks for the visit!

Becky K. said...

So many times you can see these things with your eyes but the photo doesn't capture it... great job!

Becky K.
Hospitality Lane

Melissa B. said...

I'm guessing it's an oil slick on the asphalt, correctamundo? Thanks for sharing this Superior Snap!

Bren Haas said...

I am totally into Photography... so inspired by your page. I started following you tonight and can't wait to see what you share next!

Happy New Year and so happy to make the Camera connection with you!

Jama said...

My guess is the same as the others, oil slick on the pavement, must be after the rain, since there's puddle. And sun reflection is turning it into a rainbow.

Ingrid said...

I too think it's oil in a puddle, nice idea to take a picture of such a thing !

jay said...

Oil on water! Yes, I notice them too, and think how pretty it is ... but I've never managed to get a good photo! Well done! :)

aspiritofsimplicity said...

It looks like oil in a puddle to me. They do look pretty.

Maria Berg said...

Is it oil in water?

It is not nice with oil in water in the park but it does make very nice rainbow.

Thank you for all the comment at my blogg.

The photo hunt what is it only art?

Amanda Moore said...

A rainbow on the ground!!! Pretty slick! (get it oil, oil slick?) Oh well great idea for this week have a wonderful MM!

sunnymama said...

Great shot! I love seeing these little rainbows on the ground. :)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

sometimes in stagnant water, some oil surfaces like that like the colours of the rainbow.

Tell your nephews and nieces to head to Australia or NZ to enjoy shooting each other.

Glennis said...

Rainbow in oils on the street.

CameoRoze (Margaret) said...

Great way to see something beautiful in what could be considered ugly.

Lovin' Macro Monday,
Cameo @-->-->---

Dutchbaby said...

At first glance I thought it was drops on a windshield but then I saw the rainbow. I agree with the majority here: oil on asphalt. Nice.

MyMaracas said...

An oil rainbow! I always notice these, too. Also, the way certain kinds of asphalt glitter in the dark. Nice macro!

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