Thursday, April 7, 2011

Orange head Wood pecker

I hope the snow is gone. It's about time here in Michigan to see sun and feel warm once again. We've been hibernating for many months and I already had this so called cabin fever. 

Early this morning I woke up with the sound of birds chirping in their beautiful songs. Actually, I didn't know if they are singing, gossiping or what...but the different sound just seem like a melody to me. ^_^
So I fall to sleep again, lol!! I wanted to get up early because I knew that birds come to my bird feeder early in the morning. I remember my mother told me "early bird catches worm", well she is referring to us kids to get up early so we are not late for school. Luckily, this morning though I was late taking picture of the birds. I spotted this huge orange colored wood pecker. The orange color on the head is so prominent I can see it even if I am behind the curtain trying to conceal myself. Ain't this bird pretty??


Jeanette said...

Nice pic! Pretty woodpecker! I love listening to the birds in the morning!!

DoanLegacy said...

What a pretty bird!

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