Wednesday, March 16, 2011

One foggy early morning

This early morning around 3:00am I went outside just to capture night foggy photos. As I looked at our neighbors driveway it was so beautiful the pine trees, post light and the fog are perfect!! So I went outside, it was cold but bearable, I only wore flipflops and pajama with out any jacket. I looked for a good area that I could position myself. I started to take pictures but when I looked at my view finder I don't seem like what I took. I realized then that it would be nice if I have tripod with me. Take a look you can see why I want to have tripod, ^_^
                                                               My Photo Challenge #58


emmanuelmateo said...

Wow manang Kim..I really appreciates your work.. ur giving efforts on it.Great Job manang!

The Write Girl said...

What a photo challenge. I can understand your desire to have a tripod. I try taking night photos and I have some focusing issues. I like your photo though. Keep exploring with that camera :)

Unknown said...

you could have kept it on some table!!

Kim, USA said...

@ Emmanuel...really an effort to get out at 3am with below freezing temperature hehe.

@ The write girl...I guess I really have to find a cheap tripod in Amazon ^_^

@ Bhupesh.....can't drag a table ground is blanketed with snow and it's 3am with below freezing temperature ^_^

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

I have a tripod but never think to grab it unless I'm settin' up still life here in the house.

Your shot is errily amazing. It has a spook factor about it.

God bless ya and may the luck of the Irish rain on ya today sweetie!!! :o)


You don't need a tripod - I love this shot! Mystic forest - blurry, dark - with the light speaking to you!

I sometimes deliberately shake my camera to get shots like that! :)

Kim, USA said...

@ Nezzy thanks for the visit. I really tried to get the spookiness and thanks you like it ^_^

Kim, USA said...

@valkyrien...I am happy of your comment from a good photographer like you it's a compliment, thanks!

Martha Z said...

You captured the feeling of the foggy night, true dedication on a cold night.

Vhincci Subia said...

The effect was so nice... :)

A lot of cheap tripod in Pinas...

Link to my new post... Vhincci

I have changed my address, you can refollow me Manang Kim by unfollowing then following me again... Thanks! :)

Karen said...

Wouldn't a tripod be a fun toy to have? I love your sunflower photo! Thanks for your visit to my blog. Gonna hop over to your "Journey" blog now. blessings on your day.

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