Thursday, January 21, 2010

VTT: Old pop dispenser/machine

Vintage Thingies Thursday once again hosted by Colorado Lady. My entry for this week is this old pop/soft drink dispenser/machine I saw at Lucky's restaurant. I myself  can't figure it out how old is this because in my country where I came from I haven't seen like this one. My guess is as good as yours.

                                          For more Vintage Thingies Thursday click it HERE


Vonlipi said...

My guess is it's from the 50's or 60's but I could be wrong! I'm no expert but I love vinatge coke item.

Have a great day!

Sue McPeak said...

I remember coke boxes like this one from the 60's. My son had one similar and it was from that time. He had it working and dispensing the bottles when Coke started remaking the bottles that would fit. That was just a few years ago. Enjoyed seeing your Coke Machine! Happy VTT...Sue

Unknown said...

Wow! Im with everyone else... the 60s. And so cool!

Jocelyn said...

Wow how cool is that! Love vintage coke things.


Keetha Broyles said...

In my humble, nonPepsi loving, opinion - - - you can never go wrong with vintage coke items!


marmielu said...

This is great! I agree with the others - probably from the 60's, maybe very early 70's.
Mary Lou

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Very pun intended! My guess is this dates from mid 1950's.

★Carol★ said...

Oh my, it would be so nice to have something like that in the basement, for parties! Love it!
Happy VTT!

KK said...

I love Coke stuff too. And I love to drink it! Drinking a refreshing tall glass now. :-)

GardenOfDaisies said...

My neighbor would love that! He collects old Coke items.

Ingrid said...

I think it's from the 60th or late 50th, looks so cute today !

Becky said...

That is so nifty! I remember one just like that in the Town Hall/Fire Station where my [Grand]Mama was town Clerk! Thanks for reminding me.

Thanks for stopping by my blog too.
Happy VTT!!

Dora said...

Maybe older than me? ;p

Janie said...

Looks like the kind that sold bottles, back in the 60's. The shiny red surface makes a pretty picture.

Debbiedoos said...

Cool I would have loved the 50's! Thanks for stopping by my Blue Monday!

Carletta said...

Certainly is an old one!
Great find!

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